
  • Procedure and Evidence

    View on PDF 18. (22) The hearing of the Arbitration Board shall commence with the party initiating the arbitration presenting its case summarized in writing and supported by witnesses available for cross-examination. The other party or parties shall similarly present their cases followed by any intervenor.Read more

  • Award and Costs

    View on PDF 18. (28) The panel shall make its award in writing within three (3) months after the hearing or at any other date to which all the parties to the arbitration agree in writing. 18. (29) Notice of the award shall be delivered to all parties to the arbitration and shall be enforced…

  • Jurisdiction of Board

    View on PDF 18. (33) The Arbitration Board shall have jurisdiction to arbitrate any difference between the Inuvialuit and Industry or Canada as to the meaning, interpretation, application or implementation of this Agreement. 18. (34) It is agreed that this arbitration process shall not apply to the rights of any other native group confirmed by any other Settlement Legislation without their consent.Read more

  • Agreement Approval Process

    View on PDF 19. (1) The purpose of this section is to set out the process to be followed by Canada and COPE in seeking approval of this Agreement. The parties agree that the principles guiding this process are: (a) that best efforts are to be made to ensure that all Inuvialuit eligible to vote on the approval of this Agreement…

  • Transitional and Consequential Provisions

    View on PDF 20. (1) This Agreement is not intended to inhibit or advance the devolution or transfer of the jurisdiction or powers of Canada on or to the Government of the Yukon Territory or the Government of the Northwest Territories.Read more

  • Inuvialuit Settlement Region (Map)

    View on PDF Inuvialuit Settlement Region Read more

  • Annex A-1

    View on PDF ANNEX A-1 [Adjusted Boundary] Description of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region That region described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection between the Yukon Territory/Alaska boundary and the shore of the Beaufort Sea; thence southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the line of the watershed separating the streams flowing into the…

  • Annex A-2

    View on PDF ANNEX A-2 [Original Boundary] Description of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region That region described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection between the Yukon Territory/Alaska boundary and the shore of the Beaufort Sea; thence southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the line of the watershed separating the streams flowing into the…

  • Traditional Inuvialuit Lands (Map)

    View on PDF Inuvialuit lands Read more

  • Inuvialuit Lands Selected Pursuant To 7(1)(B) (Map)

    View on PDF Inuvialuit lands Selected Pursuant to 7(1)(b) (map) Read more

  • Husky Lakes / Cape Bathurst Areas (Map)

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  • Annex D-1

    View on PDF ANNEX D-1 Cape Bathurst 7(1)(a) Land In the Northwest Territories: in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin: All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 2 of the Franklin Bay map sheet number 97C of the National Topographic System produced…

  • Annex D-2

    View on PDF ANNEX D-2 Husky Lakes Management Areas In the Northwest Territories; in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin: All those areas more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 1 of the Simpson Lake map sheet number 97B of the National Topographic System,…

  • Yukon North Slope (Map)

    View on PDF North Slope (map) Read more

  • Annex E-1

    View on PDF ANNEX E-1 Registration SOR/80-198 27 March, 1980 Territorial Lands Act Yukon Placer Mining Act Prohibition and Withdrawal of Certain Lands from Disposal Order, 1980. No. 1 P.C 1980-679 20 March, 1980 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , pursuant to section…

  • Aklavik 7(1)(A), 7(1)(B) Land Selection (Map)

    View on PDF Aklavik Read more

  • Annex F-1

    View on PDF ANNEX F-1 Aklavik 7(1)(a) Land In the Northwest Territories; in the District of Mackenzie: in the Mackenzie Delta: All that parcel of land in the Mackenzie Delta according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Maps of Aklavik — 107B and Blow River — 117A, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the…

  • Annex F-2

    View on PDF ANNEX F-2 Aklavik 7(1)(b) Land In the Northwest Territories; in the District of Mackenzie; in the Mackenzie Delta; All those parcels of land in the Mackenzie Delta according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Map of Tent Island — 117A/16E and Shallow Bay — 107B/13W reproduced at a scale of…

  • Inuvik 7(1)(A). 7(1)(B) Land Selection (Map)

    View on PDF Inuvik Read more

  • Annex G-1

    View on PDF ANNEX G-1 Inuvik 7(1)(a) Land In the Northwest Territories; in the District of Mackenzie: in the Mackenzie Delta and Caribou Hills; All that parcel of land in the Mackenzie Delta and Caribou Hills according to National Topographic Series Maps of Aklavik — 107B.Read more