Inuvialuit Settlement Region (Map)
Annex A-1
[Adjusted Boundary]
Description of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
That region described as follows:
Commencing at the point of intersection between the Yukon Territory/Alaska boundary and the shore of the Beaufort Sea;
thence southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the line of the watershed separating the streams flowing into the Porcupine River from those flowing into the Mackenzie River and the Beaufort Sea, said intersection being at approximate 68°33’25”;
thence easterly and southerly along said line of watershed to a point on the Yukon Territory/Northwest Territories boundary on the trail across the portage in McDougall Pass between Rat and Bells Rivers at approximate latitude 67°42’48” and approximate longitude 136°27’16”;
thence north along the Yukon/NWT boundary to its intersection with latitude 68°13′;
thence easterly along said parallel to the west shoreline of the East Channel of the Mackenzie River at approximate longitude 133°46’06″W;
thence northerly along the west shoreline to its intersection with latitude 68°25’N;
thence easterly along said parallel to its intersection with longitude 132°00’W;
thence southerly along said longitude to its intersection with latitude 68°00’N;
thence easterly along said parallel to its intersection with approximate longitude 120°40’51″W, such longitude being determined by the intersection of the shoreline of Amundsen Gulf with the mouth of Outwash River being the eastern portion of the Paulatuk 7(1)(b) land selections;
As amended by P.C.
Annex A-2
[Original Boundary]
Description of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
That region described as follows:
Commencing at the point of intersection between the Yukon Territory/Alaska boundary and the shore of the Beaufort Sea;
thence southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the line of the watershed separating the streams flowing into the Porcupine River from those flowing into the Mackenzie River and the Beaufort Sea, said intersection being at approximate 68°33’25”;
thence easterly and southerly along said line of watershed to a point on the Yukon Territory/NWT boundary on the trail across the portage in McDougall Pass between Rat and Bell Rivers at approximate latitude 67°42’48” and approximate longitude 136°27’16”;
thence north along the Yukon/NWT boundary to its intersection with latitude 68°13′;
thence easterly along said parallel to the west shoreline of the East Channel of the Mackenzie River at approximate longitude 133°46’06″W;
thence northerly along the west shoreline to its intersection with latitude 68°25’N;
thence easterly along said parallel to its intersection with longitude 132°00’W;
thence southerly along said longitude to its intersection with latitude 68°00’N;
thence easterly along said parallel to its intersection with longitude 121°10’W;
thence southeasterly to the point 67°00’N latitude and 119°00’W longitude;
As amended by P.C.
Traditional Inuvialuit Lands (Map)
Inuvialuit Lands Selected Pursuant To 7(1)(B) (Map)
Inuvialuit lands Selected Pursuant to 7(1)(b) (map)
Husky Lakes / Cape Bathurst Areas (Map)
Annex D-1
Cape Bathurst 7(1)(a) Land
In the Northwest Territories:
in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin:
All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 2 of the Franklin Bay map sheet number 97C of the National Topographic System produced at a scale of 1:250.000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources at Ottawa; edition 3 of the Malloch Hill map sheet number 97F.
Annex D-2
Husky Lakes Management Areas
In the Northwest Territories;
in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin:
All those areas more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 1 of the Simpson Lake map sheet number 97B of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Mapping and Charting Establishment.
Yukon North Slope (Map)
North Slope (map)
Annex E-1
Registration SOR/80-198 27 March, 1980
Territorial Lands Act
Yukon Placer Mining Act
Prohibition and Withdrawal of Certain Lands from Disposal Order, 1980. No. 1
P.C 1980-679 20 March, 1980
His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , pursuant to section 19 of the Territorial Lands Act and section 93 of the Yukon Placer Mining Act, is pleased hereby to revoke Order in Council P.C 1978-2195 of 5th July, 1978* and to make the annexed Order prohibiting entry on certain lands in the Yukon Territory.
Aklavik 7(1)(A), 7(1)(B) Land Selection (Map)
Annex F-1
Aklavik 7(1)(a) Land
In the Northwest Territories;
in the District of Mackenzie:
in the Mackenzie Delta:
All that parcel of land in the Mackenzie Delta according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Maps of Aklavik — 107B and Blow River — 117A, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, as said parcel may be more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the Northwest Territories — Yukon Territory boundary at latitude 68°46′ and approximate longitude 136°27’16”;
thence easterly along latitude 68°46′ to its intersection with longitude 135°40′;
thence south along longitude 135°40′ to its intersection with latitude 68°35′;
thence easterly along latitude 68°35′ to its intersection with longitude 135°30′;
thence south along longitude 135°30′ to its intersection with latitude 68°32′;
thence easterly along latitude 68°32′ to its intersection with longitude 135°25′;
thence south along longitude 135°25′ to its intersection with latitude 68°20′;
thence westerly along latitude 68°20′ to its intersection with longitude 135°15′;
thence north along longitude 136°15′ to its intersection with latitude 68°30′;
thence westerly along latitude 68°30′ to its intersection with the Yukon Territory — Northwest Territories boundary, at approximate longitude 136°27’16”.