
  • Application Of Laws To Inuvialuit Lands

    View on PDF 7. (97) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Inuvialuit lands shall be subject to the laws of general application applicable to private lands from time to time in force, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, territorial laws and ordinances that apply or are made to apply generally to private lands.Read more

  • Interim Land Regime

    View on PDF 7. (102) The Government shall, on receiving Cabinet approval to proceed to execute this Agreement, withdraw from disposition under the Territorial Lands Act, as quickly as possible:  (a) the Inuvialuit land selections referred to in subsections 9(3) and (4), except  (i) oil, gas and minerals included within oil, gas and mineral leases or permits referred to in Annex ,.Read…

  • Husky Lakes/Cape Bathurst Areas

    View on PDF 8. (1) With respect to Area Number 2 as shown in Annex D, approval for any development activity shall be withheld unless the developer proves that the proposed development activity meets acceptable environmental standards and accounts for his standard of performance.Read more

  • Selection of Inuvialuit Lands

    View on PDF 9. (1) Inuvialuit lands selected for conveyance on passage of the Settlement Legislation have been selected from the lands traditionally used and occupied by the Inuvialuit , as shown in Annex B, unless otherwise agreed. 9.Read more

  • Participation Agreements

    View on PDF 0. (1) For the purposes of exploration, development and production activities by holders of valid rights or interests issued by Canada on 7(1)(a) lands and holders of petroleum, coal or mineral rights or interests issued by Canada on 7(1)(b) lands, access on and across Inuvialuit lands shall be guaranteed by the Inuvialuit Land Administration, subject to the payment by the developer of fair compensation to the Inuvialuit for…

  • Environmental Impact Screening And Review Process

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  • Yukon North Slope

    View on PDF 12. (1) For the purposes of this section, ” Yukon North Slope ” means all those lands between the jurisdictional boundaries of Alaska and the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, north of the height of land dividing the watersheds of the Porcupine River and the Beaufort Sea, and including adjacent nearshore and offshore waters…

  • Principles

    View on PDF 12. (2) The Yukon North Slope shall fall under a special conservation regime whose dominant purpose is the conservation of wildlife , habitat and traditional native use. 12. (3) Subject to subsections (5) to (15): (a) all development proposals relating to the Yukon North Slope shall be screened to determine whether they could have a significant negative impact on the wildlife , habitat or ability of the natives…

  • Disposal of Land

    12. (4) Subject to this section, the withdrawal from disposition under the Territorial Lands Act of certain lands described in the Prohibition and Withdrawal of Certain Lands from Disposal (Order SOR/80-198, 27 March, 1980. as set out in Annex E-1), within the Yukon North Slope shall be maintained.Read more

  • National Park

    View on PDF 12 (5) Canada agrees to establish, under the National Parks Act, the Settlement Legislation or such other legislation as may be appropriate or necessary, a National Park comprising the western portion of the Yukon North Slope shown in Annex E and more particularly described as the area bounded to the south by the height of land being the watershed…

  • Territorial Park

    View on PDF 12. (16) The parties agree that Herschel Island is to be established as the Herschel Island Territorial Park and, in establishing that Park, the Government of the Yukon Territory will consult the Inuvialuit . 12.Read more

  • Area East Of The Babbage River

    View on PDF 12. (20) The parties agree that the area east of the Babbage River extending to the jurisdictional boundary between the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, but not including the adjacent nearshore and offshore waters, shall be designated as an area in which controlled development may take place, subject to the provisions of this Agreement…

  • Inuvialuit Harvesting Rights

    12. (24) Subject to the laws of general application respecting public safety and conservation , the Inuvialuit right to harvest on the Yukon North Slope includes: (a) subject to the collective harvesting rights in favour of ail native peoples under the Porcupine Caribou Management Agreement referred to in Annex L , the preferential right to harvest all species of wildlife , except migratory non- game birds and migratory insectivorous birds ,…

  • Economic Benefits

    12. (42) The parties agree that the predominant number of persons employed in the operation and management of the parks referred to in subsections (5) and (16) should be Inuvialuit . The appropriate Government shall provide training to assist the Inuvialuit in qualifying for such employment.Read more

  • Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope)

    View on PDF 12. (46) In order to provide for joint planning by the native people and the Government s in the Yukon North Slope with respect to the principles set out in subsections (2) and (3) , a Wildlife Management Advisory Council shall be established as soon after the execution of this Agreement as is practicable.Read more

  • Yukon North Slope Annual Conference

    12. (58) There shall be a Yukon North Slope Annual Conference, to be held once a year in the Yukon Territory, to promote public discussion among natives, Government s, and the private sector with respect to management co-ordination for the Yukon North Slope .Read more

  • Wildlife Compensation

    View on PDF 13. (1) The objectives of this section are: (a) to prevent damage to wildlife and its habitat and to avoid disruption of Inuvialuit harvesting activities by reason of development ; and (b) if damage occurs, to restore wildlife and its habitat as far as is practicable to its original state and to compensate Inuvialuit hunters, trappers and fish ermen for the loss of their…

  • Definitions and General Principles

    View on PDF 13. (2) In this section, ” actual wildlife harvest loss ” means provable loss or diminution of wildlife harvesting, or damage to property used in harvesting wildlife , or both. ” future harvest loss ” means provable damage to habitat or disruption of harvestable wildlife having a foreseeable negative impact on future wildlife harvesting.Read more

  • Wildlife Impact Assessment

    View on PDF 13. (7) Every proposed development of consequence to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region that is likely to cause a negative environmental impact shall be screened by the Screening Committee to determine whether the development could have a significant negative impact on present or future wildlife harvesting.Read more

  • Financial Responsibility

    View on PDF 13. (13) Every developer , other than a Government but including a Crown corporation, shall be required to prove financial responsibility before being authorized to undertake any development in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region .Read more