National Park
12 (5) Canada agrees to establish, under the National Parks Act, the Settlement Legislation or such other legislation as may be appropriate or necessary, a National Park comprising the western portion of the Yukon North Slope shown in Annex E and more particularly described as the area bounded to the south by the height of land being the watershed and to the east by the eastern shoreline of the Babbage River.
12. (6) The planning for the National Park and the management thereof shall have as their objects to protect the wilderness characteristics of the area, maintaining its present undeveloped state to the greatest extent possible, and to protect and manage the wildlife populations and the wildlife habitat within the area.
12. (7) Except as provided in subsection (14) , the National Park shall be zoned and managed as a wilderness oriented park.
12. (8) development activities inconsistent with the purposes of the National Park shall be prohibited, and any change in the character of the National Park shall require the consent of the Inuvialuit .
12. (9) The Wildlife Management Advisory Council established by subsection (46) shall advise the appropriate minister on park planning and management. The Council shall recommend a management plan for the National Park.
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
12. (10) No lands forming part of the National Park shall be removed from National Park status without the consent of the Inuvialuit .
12. (11) Canada agrees that prior to the establishment of the National Park, the lands comprising it shall be maintained in a manner that recognizes their future use and protects the land and its habitat for this purpose.
12. (12) Nothing inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement shall be permitted between the date of the execution of this Agreement and the coming into force of appropriate legislation creating the Park.
12. (13) The rights provided to the Inuvialuit under this Agreement in respect of the National Park shall take effect as of the date of the coming into force of the Settlement Legislation . For greater certainty, the Government of the Yukon Territory shall retain its present jurisdiction until the creation of the National Park.
12. (14) If it is determined pursuant to section 11 that an area identified in Annex E as Stokes Point is required for limited scale use and temporary use purposes in support of hydrocarbon development , the use shall be permitted on the following conditions:
(a) the land to be used does not exceed forty (40) acres and any additional land that is required to satisfy the licencing requirements of the Yukon Territorial Water Board;
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
(b) the use of the land is such as not to prevent its restoration to the state it was in prior to such use; and
(c) the activity must not be on a scale and of a nature as to significantly derogate from the quality and character of the adjacent Park lands.
12. (15) In subsection (14) ,
(a) ” limited scale use ” includes the storage of fuel and supplies, emergency repairs and maintenance facilities, transhipment depots, caches and similar uses; and
(b) ” temporary use ” means a period of active occupation that, in the aggregate, does not exceed six (6) years.
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987