Territorial Park
12. (16) The parties agree that Herschel Island is to be established as the Herschel Island Territorial Park and, in establishing that Park, the Government of the Yukon Territory will consult the Inuvialuit .
12. (17) Except for the lands adjacent to Pauline Cove, the park regime on Herschel Island shall be no less stringent than that of the National Park pursuant to subsections (5) to (13) .
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
12. (18) Within the lands adjacent to Pauline Cove, the historic resources shall be protected in a manner no less stringent than that of the regime of a National Historic Park as set out in the National Parks Act.
12. (19) Any development activity proposed within the lands adjacent to Pauline Cove shall be subject to:
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
(a) the screening and review process set out in section 11 ; and
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
(b) the criteria set out in subsection (23) shall apply; and
(c) the terms and conditions governing such development shall be no less stringent than those under the Territorial Land Use Regulations in force at the time.