Bill C-102
Second Session. Thirty-third Parliament, 35-36-37 Elisabeth II. 1986-87-88
BILL C-102
An Act 10 amend the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act
2nd Session, 33rd Parliament, 35-36-37 Elizabeth II. 1986-87-88THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF Canada BILL C-102 An Act to amend the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act | |
c 24 | Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada , enacts as follows: |
greement nventions | 1. The definition “Agreement” in section 2 of the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor: “”Agreement” means the agreement between the Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement, representing the Inuvialuit of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region , and the Government of Canada dated June 5, 1984, tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development on June 19, 1984 and recorded as document number 322-7/20 and includes an Amending Agreement; |
mending reement vention dificative | “Amending Agreement” means (a) the Amending Agreement between the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, representing the Inuvialuit , and the Government of Canada , approved by Order in Council P.C. 1985-1144, tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development on December 14, 1987 and recorded as document number 332-4/43,(b) the Amending Agreement between the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, representing the Inuvialuit , and the Government of Canada , approved by Order in Council P.C. 1987-26. tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development on December 14, 1987 and recorded as document number 332-4/43A,(c) the Amending Agreement between the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, representing the Inuvialuit , and the Government of Canada , dated May 11. 1987. tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development on December 14. 1987 and recorded as document number 332-4/43B. and (d) any other Amending Agreement made pursuant to subsection 3(13) of the Agreement;” |
OTTAWA, 1988
Deuxième session, trente-troisième législature, 35- 36-37 Elizabeth 11. 1986-87-88
Loi modifiant la Loi sur le règlement des revendications des Inuvialuit de la région ouest de l’Arctique
2e session, 33e législature, 35-36-37 Elizabeth 11, 1986-87-88
Loi modifiant la Loi sur le règlement des revendications des Inuvialuit de la région ouest de l’Arctique
Sa Majesté, sur l’avis et avec le consentement du Sénat et de la Chambre des communes du Canada , édicté : | |
1. La définition de «Convention», à l’article 2 de la Loi sur le règlement des revendications des Inuvialuit de la région ouest de l’Arctique, est abrogée et remplacée par ce qui suit : | |
«Convention» La convention conclue entre le Comité d’étude des droits des autochtones, qui représente les Inuvialuit de la région désignée, au sens de la Convention, et le gouvernement du Canada , en date du 5 juin 1984, déposée devant la Chambre des communes au nom du ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien le 19 juin 1984 et enregistrée sous le numéro 322-7/20 ou une Convention modificative. | •Convention “Agreement” |
«Convention modificative» : a) La convention modificative conclue entre la Société régionale Inuvialuit , au nom des Inuvialuit , et le gouvernement du Canada , approuvée par le décret C.P. 1985-1144, déposée devant la Chambre des communes au nom du ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien le 14 décembre 1987 et enregistrée sous le numéro 332-4/43; | •Convention modificauve |
b) la convention modificative conclue entre la Société régionale Inuvialuit , au nom des Inuvialuit , et le gouvernement du Canada , approuvée par le décret C.P. 1987-26, déposée devant la Chambre des communes au nom du ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien le 14 décembre 1987 et enregistrée sous le numéro 332-4/43A;c) la convention modificative conclue entre la Société régionale Inuvialuit ., au nom des Inuvialuit , et le gouvernement du Canada , en date du 11 mai 1987, déposée devant la Chambre des communes au nom du ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien le 14 décembre 1987 et enregistrée sous le numéro 332-4/43B: d) toute autre convention modificative apportée en conformité avec le paragraphe 3(13) de la Convention.» |
OTTAWA, 1988
BETWEEN: Inuvialuit REGIONAL CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “the IRC”), represented by the Chief Regional Councillor,
THE Government OF Canada (hereinafter referred to as ” Canada “), represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development .
WHEREAS the Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement and Canada entered into an Agreement dated June 5, 1984, which was tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , on June 19, 1984 and recorded as document number 322-7/20, and which was approved, given effect, and declared valid by the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act, S.C. 1984, c. 24;
AND WHEREAS subsection 3(13) of the said Agreement provides that its provisions may be amended with the consent of Canada and the Inuvialuit , as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation;
AND WHEREAS the parties wish to amend the said Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE, the IRC and Canada agree as follows:
1. Subsection 3(13) of the said Agreement is revoked and the following substituted therefor:
“3(13) The provisions of this Agreement may be amended with the consent of Canada as represented by the Governor in Council and the Inuvialuit as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation.”
2. Subsection 3 (16) of the said Agreement is revoked and the following substituted therefor:
“3 (16) Where any amendment to this Agreement requires consequential legislation to achieve its effect, Canada agrees to take all reasonable steps to put in place suitable legislation forthwith.”
3. Canada shall recommend to Parliament that this Amending Agreement be approved, given effect and declared valid by suitable legislation.
Signed at HULL this 11th day of MAY, 1987.

WHEREAS the Agreement between the Committee for Original People’s Entitlement and the Government of Canada dated June 5, 1984, tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development on June 19, 1984, and recorded as document number 322-7/20 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement was approved , given effect, and declared valid by the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act being chapter 24 of the Statutes of Canada , 1984 as amended by An Act to amend the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act, being chapter 16 of the Statutes of Canada , 1988;
WHEREAS subsection 3(13) of the Agreement provides that its provisions may be amended with the consent of the Government of Canada and the Inuvialuit , as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation;
AND WHEREAS the parties wish to make amendments to the Agreement;
THEREFORE, HER EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , pursuant to subsection 3(13) of the Agreement between the Committee for Original People’s Entitlement and the Government of Canada , is pleased hereby:
(a) to consent that the Agreement be amended, substantially in accordance with the amending agreement set out in the schedule hereto; and
(b) to authorize the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , on behalf of the Government of Canada , to execute the said amending agreement.

BETWEEN: Inuvialuit REGIONAL CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “the IRC”), represented by the Chief Regional Councillor,
THE Government OF Canada (hereinafter referred to as ” Canada “), represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development .
WHEREAS the Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement and Canada entered into an Agreement dated June 5, 1984, which was tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , on June 19, 1984 and recorded as document number 322-7/20, and which was approved, given effect, and declared valid by the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act, S.C. 1984, c. 24;
AND WHEREAS subsection 3(13) of the said Agreement provides that its provisions may be amended with the consent of Canada and the Inuvialuit , as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation?
AND WHEREAS the parties wish to make amendments to the said Agreement ;
NOW THEREFORE, the IRC and Canada agree as follows:
1.Section 5 of the said Agreement is revoked and the following substituted therefor:
“5(1) The Inuvialuit are best able to determine who should be eligible under the Inuvialuit Land Rights Settlement , but there should also be objective criteria by which an individual may have determined the right to be a beneficiary.
5(2) A person shall be eligible to enroll as a beneficiary and, accordingly, to have his name placed on the Official Eligibility List as amended from time to time if, as of the date of the Settlement Legislation (July 25, 1984), that person is a living Canadian citizen and:
(a) is on the Official Voters List used for approving this Agreement; or
(b) is considered to be of Inuvialuit ancestry or is considered by reason of Inuvialuit custom or tradition to be Inuvialuit and is accepted in either case as a member of an Inuvialuit Community Corporation; or
(c) produces evidence satisfactory to the Enrolment Authority referred to in subsection (5) , or its successor established by the Inuvialuit , that he has one-quarter or more Inuvialuit blood and,
(i) was born in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region or Inuvik, or
(ii) has been a resident of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region or Inuvik for a total of at least ten years, or
(iii) if under ten years of age, is ordinarily resident in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region or Inuvik; or
(d) is an adopted child, under the laws of any jurisdiction or
according to Inuvialuit custom, of a person who qualifies
under paragraph (a), (b), or (c).
5(3) A person shall be eligible to enroll as a beneficiary and, accordingly, to have his name placed on the Official Eligibility List as amended from time to time if that person is a Canadian citizen and is a descendant, as determined from time to time by the appropriate community corporation or the IRC, as the case may be, of a person eligible for enrolment under paragraph 2(a), (b), (c), or (d).
5(4) An Enrolment Committee shall be established in each Inuvialuit community for the purpose of preparing initial lists of all members of the community whom it believes qualify under theinitial eligibility criteria, and it shall forward such lists to the Enrolment Authority referred to in subsection (5) together with validating documentation and information.
5(5) An Enrolment Authority, comprising two representatives of COPE and one representative of the Government , shall be responsible for the initial enrolment process according to the requirements and standards that the Authority establishes. It shall prepare and publish the initial Official Eligibility List and the initial Official Enrolment List; after doing so, its mandate will expire and it shall forthwith forward all its records to its successor established by the Inuvialuit .
5(6) Any person eligible to enrol pursuant to subsection (2), (3) or (7) shall have the right to enrol at any time after attaining the age of eighteen (18) years. Such choice shall be exercised by signature of a document in form prescribed by the Enrolment Authority or its successor established by the Inuvialuit , and such name shall be placed on the Official Enrolment List, as amended from time to time.
5(7) The Inuvialuit shall determine the eligibility and enrolment of future beneficiaries, those born after July 25, 1984.
5(8) Any person who has been denied eligibility or enrolment as a beneficiary may appeal the denial to the Arbitration Board pursuant to section 18 .
5(9) Canada shall pay the expenses incurred for the initial enrolment of beneficiaries.
5(10) Native persons may be enrolled in only one Canadian Land Claims Settlement for which they qualify. Persons who qualify to be enrolled in more than one Settlement may choose the one in which they shall be enrolled. Persons who choose to be enrolled in the Inuvialuit Settlement may, within ten years after enrolment, at their option, choose to relinquish their entitlement under the Inuvialuit Settlement in favour of enrolment in another Settlement for which they qualify. On notice in writing by the person so opting or on notification and verification by the appropriate enrolling authority of another native Settlement that the person so opting has applied and been enrolled in that other Settlement , the person’s entitlement under this Settlement shall cease.
5(11) The Inuvialuit hereby offer to enroll in the Inuvialuit Settlement any native person of an aboriginal group proximate to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region who, at the time this Agreement is executed, is otherwise ineligible but is residing in or proximate to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region with their legally married husband or wife who is an eligible Inuvialuk.
5(12) The offer under subsection (11) may be acted on for a period of ten (10) years after the date of execution of this Agreement.
5(13) Subject to paragraph 2(d), the offer under subsection (11) does not extend to other non- Inuvialuit relatives, present or future, of any native person. “
2. Paragraph 6(4)(a) is repealed and the following is substituted therefor:
- (a) the Inuvialuit enrolled in the Inuvialuit Land Rights Settlement shall share equally in the benefits received by the various Inuvialuit corporations and distributed through the Inuvialuit Trust; therefore, each eligible Inuvialuk, upon attaining eighteen (18) years of age, shall be entitled to enrol as a beneficiary and, upon enrolment, to receive a life interest only in the same number of trust units, which units shall be nontransferable, in the Inuvialuit Trust. Any profits derived from any development of Inuvialuit lands and distributed through the Inuvialuit Trust shall be shared equally by all enrolled Inuvialuit , but each community corporation shall have control over any development activity approved by the Inuvialuit Land Administration or the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation in respect of the block of land selected near that community pursuant to p aragraph 7(1)(a) ;”
3. Paragraph 6(4)(d) is repealed.
4. Paragraph 6(4)(e) is relettered as paragraph 6(4)(d).
Signed at Ottawa this 23rd day of August , 1988.

WHEREAS the Agreement between the Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement and the Government of Canada dated June 5, 1984, tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development on June 19, 1984 and recorded as document number 322-7/20, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, was approved, given effect, and declared valid by the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act, chapter 24 of the Statutes of Canada , 1984;
WHEREAS subsection 3(13) of the Agreement provides that its provisions may be amended with the consent of Canada and the Inuvialuit , as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation;
AND WHERAS the parties wish to amend the Agreement.
THEREFORE, HER EXCELLENCY THE GOVERN0R GENERAL IN COUNCIL, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order consenting to amendments of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.

BETWEEN: Inuvialuit REGIONAL CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as “the IRC”), represented by the Chief Regional Councillor,
THE Government OF Canada (hereinafter referred to as ” Canada “), represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development .
WHEREAS the Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement and Canada entered into an Agreement dated June 5, 1984, which was tabled in the House of Commons for the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern development , on June 19, 1984 and recorded as document number 322-7/20, and which was approved, given effect, and declared valid by the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act, S.C. 1984, c. 24;
AND WHEREAS subsection 3(13) of the said Agreement provides that its provisions may be amended with the consent of Canada and the Inuvialuit , as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation;
AND WHEREAS the parties wish to amend the said Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE, the IRC and Canada agree that the amendments on the following fourteen pages be made;
COPE =”col”>Section | COPE =”col”>CHANGES TO BE MADE | |
S.7 and J-6|Table of Contents | DeSalis – no space | |
E-l | replace “Territorial Lands Act”, “Yukon Placer Mining Act” with “Prohibition and Withdrawal of Certain Lands from Disposal Order, 1980. No. I”. | |
Definitions: Inuvialuit pg 2 | delete “or” and add “or organizations” after trusts to definition of Inuvialuit | |
3(14) pg 3 | delete “Directors”; add “Regional Councillors” delete “shareholders”; add “members'” | |
3(15) pg 3 | delete “shareholders;” add “embers'” delete “its shareholders”; add “members” (4th line) | |
5(2)(b) | delete 5(2)(b) and replace with “(b) is considered to be of Inuvialuit ancestry or is considered by reason of Inuvialuit custom or tradition to be Inuvialuit and is accepted in either case as a member of an Inuvialuit Community Corporation; or” | |
5(2)(c) | Add “or its successor” after “referred to in subsection (4)” | |
5(3) | delete comma after community corporations; add “or the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, as appropriate,” | |
5(4) | delete “within three months of the coming into force of the Settlement Legislation “; add “by December 31. 1987” | |
5(10) | replace “a spouse” with “their legally married husband or wife” | |
6(1)(a) | punctuation: add comma after “share capital” | |
6(1)(a) | change ” Settlement lands” to read ” Inuvialuit lands “ | |
6(1)(b) | delete “ie not for profit” | |
6(1)(b) | punctuation: add commas after “corporation” and after “share capital” | |
6(1 )(a) ,(c) ,(d) ,(e) | delete IRC, ILC, TIC, IDC | |
6(1)(f) | spell in full ILC, IDC, IIC, IRC | |
6 (4) (a) development typo; add “p” | ||
7(5) | add “paragraph” before each reference to (1)(b) land | |
7(5) | Add words “or Inuvialuit Land Corporation” following ” Inuvialuit Regional Corporation” twice | |
7(18) (a) | add “where the access would be” following the words “to exercise rights” | |
7(21 ) | provisions typo; add “ | |
7(21) | delete “made applicable to”; add “enacted for” | |
7(22) | add “paragraph” before the reference to 1( a) and 1(b) lands: delete “HTC” | |
7(23).7(24),7(25) | add “paragraph” before any reference to 1( a) or 1(b) lands | |
7(27).7(28) | add “twenty” (20) add “(5)” after five | |
7(28) | delete “resale”; add “sale” | |
7(33)(a) | add (1) to read “one (1)” | |
7(38) | delete “IDC”; spell in full | |
7 (40) | delete “IDC”; spell in full | |
7(61) | delete “IDC”; spell in full | |
7(41) Inuvialuit typo; add “i” | ||
7(60)(e) | delete (ILA) | |
7(64)(a) | delete (ILA) | |
7(64),(b),(c),(d) | delete ILA; spell in full | |
7(64)(d) | add “forty-two (42)” | |
7(65) title and section | Desalis to be spelled DeSalis | |
7(80) | add “the” before “Pingo Canadian Landmark” | |
7(82) | after ” Government ” add “of” the Northwest Territoires | |
7(85)(a) | delete “function”; add “ | |
7(88) | add “paragraph” before reference to 1(b) lands add “device” after “navigation aid or safety” | |
7(88) | delete “Area,”; add “Areas Numbers 1 and 2 as shown in Annex D,” | |
7(89), 7(91) | add “paragraph” before reference (1)(b) lands | |
7(94) | delete “their lands with respect to the holders of rights” add “the rights of interest holders’* | |
7(98) | delete” from and including July 25,1985″ add “from any date on or after July 25, 1984” | |
7(102)(a)ii | add comma after sand and gravel | |
7(105)(a) | delete ” Inuvialuit ” before words “Participation Agreement” | |
7(105)(a) ,(b) | delete ILA: spell in full | |
8(1) | delete “No. 2”; add “Number 2” | |
8(1),8(3),8(4), 8(5) | add “as shown” before words “in Annex D” | |
9(3)(c) | delete “except the community site shown in Annex H-2 and described in Annex H-3” add “except surface title (including sand and gravel) to the part lying within the proposed Pingo Canadian Landmark Site shown in Annex H-2 and described in Annex H-4 | |
9(3)(d) | delete “, except the community site shown in Annex 1-2 and described in Annex 1-3 | |
9(3)(e) | delete “, except the community site shown in Annex J-2 and described in Annex J-3 | |
9(3)(f) | delete”, except the community site shown in Annex K-2 and described in Annex K-3 | |
9(8) (new) | Maps showing the selections identified in 9(3), (4) and (5) signed by the parties to this agreement are recorded in the Canada Lands Survey Records at Ottawa as No’s. 69419, 69420, 69421, 69422 and 69423 | |
10(1), 10(2), 10(3), 10(3)(a), 10(7) | delete ILA; spell in full | |
10(8) | correction: delete section 8; add “ section 18 “ | |
11(3) | add “(3); add “(1)” | |
11(5) | add “(3)’ | |
11(6) | add “the”1 before Government of the Yukon delete “the” before “Yukon” | |
11(7) | delete “one” to read “where any of the parties” | |
11 (16) | correction: delete ” subsection (14) “: add “subsection (15)” | |
11 (16) | delete “declines out”: add “declines to carry out” | |
11(18) | delete “Of the three (3) members appointed by Canada , one shall be designated by the Territorial Government in whose jurisdiction the development being reviewed is to be located”;add “of the three (3) permanent members appointed by Canada , each of the Government s of the Northwest Territories and the Yukon shall designate one (1).” | |
11(18) | delete Inuvialuit : in last sentence add “natives” (shall be maintained) | |
11(19) | delete “subsections (6) to (9)”; add “subsections (6) to (10)” | |
11(21) | delete “anyone” add “any of the parties” | |
11(29) | add “within” to read “in writing within thirty (30) days” | |
12(3)(c) conservation typo; add “r” | ||
12(4) | delete Disposition: add “Disposal” | |
12(9) | delete “in addition to its other duties and functions” following Wildlife Management Advisory Council | |
12(14)(a) | add (40) to ready “forty (40) ” … | |
12(15)(b) | add (6) to read “six (6)” … | |
12(17) | delete (15); add (13) | |
12(19) | make “the screening and review process set out in section 11 ” subsection (a)delete colon following the phrase ” section 11 “; add semi-colonadd colon after words “subject to”correct subsection letters to correspond to change | |
12(27)(a) | capital letter: Settlement | |
12(27)(a) | delete ” Inuvialuit ” before ” Settlement “ | |
12(38) | delete “parks”; add “for these parks” after “objectives.” 12(39) | delete ‘” game “; add ” wildlife ” add ” fish eries Joint Management Committee” |
12(41)(c)(ii)(F) | delete “and” add period after “birds” | |
12(41)(c)(ii)(F) | delete period; add semi colon after “birds” | |
12(43) | delete “the parks”, add “the said parks”. | |
12(56)(d) | delete “in the Yukon North Slope “; add “referred to in subsection 14(3) “ | |
14(3) | delete and: add “or” | |
14(4) | delete “structures”; add “bodies” | |
14(13) Inuvialuit typo: delete “u” | ||
14(19) | add “established by subsection (45) ” after (NWT)add “established by subsection (61) ” after Committee | |
14(23) | add “of wildlife ” after “harvesting” | |
14(31) | delete last sentence starting “Subsection 12(39) applies” | |
14(34) | spell IDC in full | |
14(36)(c)(ii)(F) | delete “and”; add period after “birds” | |
14(36)(c)(ii)(F) | delete period: add semi colon after “birds” | |
14(46) | add “six” ( ) | |
14(46) | amend to read: “The Council shall initially have seven (7) members: the Chairman of the Council, one (1) representing Canada , two (2) representing the Government of the Northwest Territories, and three (3) representing the Inuvialuit . | |
14(47) | add “including the adjacent near shore and offshore waters” after words “Northwest Territories” | |
14(62) | add “(4)”, “(2)”, “(4)” | |
14(66) | add “thirty” | |
14(67) | add “thirty” | |
14(69) | add “thirty” | |
14(70) | add “thirty” | |
14(73) | delete “incorporated pursuant to the Societies Ordinances of the Northwest Territories”: add “shall be established and” after game Council | |
14(74)(a) | add”, including those referred to in Sections 11, 12 and 14;” at end of paragraph | |
14(75) | delete “incorporated under the Societies Ordinance of the appropriate Territory” | |
14(76)(h) | add “s” on Council change “and” to “or” | |
14(76)(i) | delete wildlife Advisory Management Council; add ” Wildlife Management Advisory Council “ | |
14(78) | add “(NWT and North Slope )” after “Councils” | |
14(82) | add “(I)” to read “one (1)” add “(2)” to read “two (2)” | |
14(87) | add “(I)” to read “one (1)” | |
15(2) | delete ‘”The Settlement Legislation shall provide that” | |
15(2) | change “$45 million” to read “Forty-five (45) million dollars” | |
15(4) | delete “The Settlement Legislation shall provide that” | |
15(4) | change “$30 million” to read Thirty (30) million dollars” | |
15(9) | change $9,675,000 to read “Nine million six hundred and seventy five thousand (9,675,000) dollars” | |
16(3) | add “(5)” to read “five (5)” | |
16(3) | delete “subsection (1)”; add “subsection (2)” | |
16(8) | spell IDC in full | |
16(8)(a) | spell IDC in full change $10 million to read “Ten (10) million dollars” | |
16(13) | add (10)” to read “ten (10)” add (25)” to read “twenty-five (25) | |
16(l3)(c) | add (15)” to read “fifteen (15)” add (10)” to read “ten (10)” | |
17(3) | replace “of $7.5 million and make appropriate financial provision at the time of the Settlement Legislation ” with “and shall deposit therein $7.5 million | |
17(3) | replace 17(3) with ” Canada Shall establish a Social development Fund and deposit therein Seven million five hundred thousand (7,500,000) dollars. The fund shall be incorporated, non-profit and tax exempt. | |
18(3) | add “(11)” to read “eleven (11)” | |
18(4) | add “(5)” to read “five (5)” add “(3)” to read “three (3)” | |
18(5) | add “(3)” to read “three (3)” | |
18(6) | add “(5)” to read “five (5)” add “(2)” to read “two (2)” | |
18(6) | add “from time to time” after ” Inuvialuit Settlement Region ” add “in the Region” after “with regard to assets” | |
18(12) | add “(5)” to read “five (5)” add “(2)” to read “two (2)” Capital letter: Territory | |
18(13) | add “(7)” to read “seven (7)” add “(2)” to read “two (2)” | |
18(17) | delete thirty (30); add fifteen (15) | |
18(35(b)(i) | delete “(subsection 7(61) to (64))”; add “(subsections 7(61) to (63))” | |
18(35)(b)(ii) | delete “(subsections 7(65) and (66))”; add “(subsection 7(64))” | |
18(35)(b)(iii) | delete “(subsections 7(67) to (71))”; add “(subsections 7(65) to (69))” | |
18(35)(b)(iii) | delete space in De Salis to read DeSalis | |
18(35)(b)(iv) | delete “(subsections 7(72) to 77))”; add “(subsections 7(70) to (76)” | |
18(35)(b)(v) | delete “(subsections 7(78) to (81))”; add “(subsections 7(77) to (81))” | |
18(35)(d) | delete (subsections 7(27) to (42)); add “(subsections 7(27) to (40) “ | |
18(35)(f) | delete (subsections 7(50) to (60)); add “(subsections 7(50) to (58))” | |
19(l)(b) | add “on” to read ” to vote on the substance” | |
19(l)(b) | delete 19(1)(b); add “that best efforts are to be made to explain the substance and effect of this Agreement to all Inuvialuit eligible to vote; and” | |
19(13) | add “thirty” to read “thirty (30)” | |
19 (16) | add “ten” to read “ten (10)” | |
19(19)(d) | add “fifteen” to read “fifteen (15)” | |
19(19)(e) | add “seven” to read “seven (7)” | |
20(3) | delete thereof; add “hereof” | |
ANNEX A-1 Pg 39 | delete Amundson; add “Amundsen” | |
ANNEX A-1 Pg 40 | add “unless agreed otherwise” between shall and revert | |
ANNEX D | delete No.: add “Number” | |
ANNEX E Pg 49 | line of Babbage River adjusted/ | |
ANNEX E Pg 49 | Watershed boundary – revise Annexes A and E to accord with legal description – see attached | |
ANNEX H-2 Pg 67 | add hyphen between H and 2 | |
ANNEX J Pg 81 | delete (7) (1) (a); add ” 7(1)(a) “ | |
ANNEX J-5 Pg 87 | change Desalis Bay to read DeSalis Bay | |
ANNEX J-5 Pg 87 | delete space in DeSalis | |
ANNEX K Pg 91 | delete (7) (1) (a); add ” 7(1)(a) “ | |
ANNEX K-6 Pg 103 | add hyphen between K and 6 | |
ANNEX M Pg 105 | delete quotation marks after Act. | |
Signature Page | add “P.M. Trudeau and Mr. Reisman” signatures. | |
Signature Page | add “Signed at Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, this 5th day of June, 1984” | |
Signature Page | indicate signatures of Prime Minister and Mr. Reisman added after June 5 signing | |
ANNEX F-1 Pg 53 | add “thence westerly along latitude 68° 20 to its intersection with longitude 136°15.”‘ | |
ANNEX f-2 pg 55 | following the words fifthly add “Commencing at the point on the southwesterly bank of Shallow Bay at latitude 68° 46′ and approximate longitude 135° 41′ 50″;thence westerly along latitude 68°46′ to a point on the easterly bank of an unnamed channel at approximate longitude 135°43’30”;thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the sinuosities of the banks of said unnamed channel and Shallow Bay to the point of commencement. following Sixthly delete 134° 40′ add; “135° 40,” | |
ANNEX G-2 Pg 60 | Fourthly: delete 69° 02′ 10; add “69° 01′” delete 69° 01′; add “69° 02′ 10” | |
ALL RELEVANT SECTIONS | Change reference to Government of the Yukon Territory to read Government of Yukon Territory. |
In all other respects, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Inuvialuit Settlement Region ” src=”/sites/default/files/ Inuvialuit _ Settlement _region.png” style=”width: 100%; height: 100%;” />