
  • Annex I-1

    ANNEX I-1

    Paulatuk 7(1)(a) Land

    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin:

    In the vicinity of Paulatuk;

    All that parcel being described as follows: topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 2 of the Brock River map sheet number 97D of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch.

  • Paulatuk Community Site (Map)

  • Annex I-3

    ANNEX I-3

    Paulatuk Community Site

    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Mackenzie;

    on Paulatuk Peninsula;

    All that parcel more particularly described as follows: ail topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 1 of the Paulatuk map sheet number 97C/8 of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:50,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch.

  • Paulatuk 7(1)(B) Land Selection (Map)

  • Annex I-5

    ANNEX I-5

    Paulatuk 7(1)(b) Land


    in the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin;

    in the vicinity of Melville Hills;

    All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to, being according to edition 2 of the Brock River map sheet number 97D of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250.000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy.

  • J. Sachs Harbour 7(1)(A) Land Selection (Map)

  • Annex J-1

    ANNEX J-1

    Sachs Harbour 7(1)(a) Land

    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Franklin;

    on Banks Island;

    All that parcel more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 1 of the Sachs Harbour map sheet number 97G of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Army Survey Establishment, Royal Canadian Engineers, at Ottawa and edition 1 of the Lennie River map sheet number 98B of the National Topographic System produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Army Survey Establishment, Royal Canadian Engineers, at Ottawa;

    Commencing at a point being the intersection of longitude 124°30’W with the shoreline of Banks Island in the area of Thesiger Bay at approximate latitude 71°46’48″N;

    thence north along longitude 124°30’W to its intersection with latitude 72°10’N;

    thence westerly along latitude 72°10’N to its intersection with longitude 125°00’W;

    thence north along longitude 125°00’W to its intersection with latitude 72°20’N;

    thence westerly along latitude 72°20’N to its intersection with longitude 125°03’W;

    thence north along longitude l25°03’W to its intersection with latitude 72°30’N;

    thence westerly along latitude 72°30’N to a point being the intersection of said latitude with the shoreline of Banks Island in the area of the Beaufort Sea at approximate longitude 125°14’52″W;

    thence in a general southwesterly, easterly and southeasterly direction along the shoreline of Banks Island to the point of commencement; together with all sand spits and islands situated in whole or in pan within two miles of the above mentioned shoreline;


    The Sachs Harbour Community Site, said parcel being described as follows:

    Beginning at a Canada Lands Surveys ’69 pattern post numbered G1579 27L1 1970 according to Plan 56807 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the land Titles Office at Yellowknife as 685;

    thence on the bearing 84°12’20” toward the Canada Lands Surveys ’69 pattern post numbered G1579 28L1 1970 according to said plan, a distance of 805 feet to a point, being the point of commencement:

    thence 356°30′, a distance of 720 feet to a point;

    thence 86°30′, a distance of 7,180 feet to a point;

    thence on a line bearing 176°30′ to a point being the intersection of that line with the shoreline of Banks Island at Sachs Harbour;

    thence in a general westerly direction along the shoreline of Banks Island to a point being the intersection of a line bearing 176°30′ from the point of commencement with the shoreline of Banks Island:

    thence 356°30′ on said line to the point of commencement:

    the above described parcel less the above described Community Site of Sachs Harbour containing about 700 square miles.

  • J. Sachs Harbour Community Site (Map)

  • Annex J-3

    ANNEX J-3

    Sachs Harbour Community Site

    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Franklin;

    on Banks Island at approximate latitude 71°59’N. approximate longitude 125°15’W:

    All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a Canada Lands Surveys ’69 pattern post numbered G1579 27L1 1970 according to Plan 56807 in the Canada Lands Surveys Records at Ottawa, a copy of which is filed in the Land Titles Office at Yellowknife as 685;

    thence on the bearing 84°12’20” toward the Canada Lands Surveys ’69 pattern post numbered G1579 28L1 1970 according to said plan, a distance of 805 feet to a point, being the point of commencement;

    thence 356°30′, a distance of 720 feet to a point;

    thence 86°30′, a distance of 7,180 feet to a point;

    thence on a line bearing 176°30′ to a point being the intersection of that line with the shoreline of Banks Island at Sachs Harbour;

    thence in a general westerly direction along the shoreline of Banks Island to a point being the intersection of a line bearing 176°30′ from the point of commencement, with the shoreline of Banks Island:

    thence 356°30′ on said line to the point of commencement;

    said parcel containing about 1 square mile.

  • Sachs Harbour 7(1)(B) Land Selection (Map)

  • Annex J-5

    ANNEX J-5

    Sachs Harbour 7(1)(b) Land


    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Franklin;

    on Banks Island;

    All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows: all topographical features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 2 of the Deans Dundas Bay map sheet number 88B; edition 1 of the DeSalis Bay map sheet number 97H; edition 1 of the Sachs Harbour map sheet number 97G; edition 1 of the Jesse Harbour map sheet number 98A; edition 1 of the Lennie River map sheet number 98B; edition 1 of the Bernard Island map sheet number 98C and edition 1 of the Bernard River map sheet number 98D, all seven map sheets of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Army Survey Establishment, Royal Canadian Engineers, at Ottawa;

    As amended by P.C.

  • De Salis Bay Land Selection (Map)