Land Use Planning
7. (82) It is agreed that, for the purpose of coordinating land use planning for the Beaufort Sea Region, there shall be area-specific groups dealing only with the Inuvialuit Settlement Region and that native participation, including Inuvialuit participation, in each such group shall be equal to Government participation. Where a Land Use Planning Commission or similar body is established for the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, the area-specific groups shall be a part thereof. For the purpose of land use planning in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, it is also agreed that, for areas south of the watershed and north of the Porcupine and Bell Rivers in the Yukon Territory, and for areas in the Western Arctic Region in the Northwest Territories, native representation shall be equal to that of the Government . The representation of the Government of Yukon Territory for matters north of the watershed and of the Government the Northwest Territories for matters in the Western Arctic Region shall increase as their respective jurisdictions increase and shall form a majority of Government participation for matters exclusively within their respective jurisdictions.
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
7. (83) The Inuvialuit agree that they shall not be represented on any Land Use Planning Commissions or similar bodies referred to in subsection (82) for areas outside the Inuvialuit Settlement Region unless it is established that activities in adjacent areas affect their interest within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region . They also agree that, in the Yukon Territory, their interest for purposes of land use planning does not extend to any areas south of the Porcupine and Bell Rivers.
7. (84) The Commissions or bodies referred to in subsection (82) shall make every endeavor to coordinate their work in order to achieve consistency.