Annex J-5
Sachs Harbour 7(1)(b) Land
In the Northwest Territories;
in the District of Franklin;
on Banks Island;
All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows: all topographical features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 2 of the Deans Dundas Bay map sheet number 88B; edition 1 of the DeSalis Bay map sheet number 97H; edition 1 of the Sachs Harbour map sheet number 97G; edition 1 of the Jesse Harbour map sheet number 98A; edition 1 of the Lennie River map sheet number 98B; edition 1 of the Bernard Island map sheet number 98C and edition 1 of the Bernard River map sheet number 98D, all seven map sheets of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Army Survey Establishment, Royal Canadian Engineers, at Ottawa;
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
Commencing at a point being the intersection of the shoreline of Banks Island in the vicinity of Treadwell Point and latitude 71°41’00″N at approximate longitude 120°22’45″W;
thence westerly along latitude 71°41’00″N to its intersection with longitude 121°30’00″W;
thence north along longitude 121°30’00″W to its intersection with latitude 71°51’30″N;
thence westerly along latitude 71°51’30″N to its intersection with longitude 123°35’00″W;
thence south along longitude 123°34’00″W to its intersection with latitude 71°37’45″N;
thence easterly along latitude 71°37’45″N to its intersection with longitude 122°26’30″N;
thence south along longitude 122°26’30″W to its intersection with latitude 71°33’30″N;
thence southwesterly along a straight line to the horizontal control monument at approximate latitude 71°28’45″N and approximate longitude 123°29’00″W;
thence southeasterly along a straight line to the height of land at approximate latitude 71°22’30″N and approximate longitude 123°21’45″W;
thence southeasterly along a straight line to the height of land at approximate latitude 71°15’30″W and approximate longitude 123°16’30’W;
thence southeasterly along a straight line to the height of land at approximate latitude 71°13’45″N and approximate longitude 123°00’45″W;
thence easterly along a straight line to its intersection with the shoreline of Banks Island at the mouth of the Nelson River at approximate latitude 71°13’15″N and approximate longitude 122°27’00″W;
thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the sinuosities of said shoreline to its intersection with longitude 124°30’00″W at approximate latitude 71°46’48″N;
thence north along longitude 124°30’00″W to its intersection with latitude 72°10’00″N;
thence westerly along latitude 72°10’00″N to its intersection with longitude 125°00’00″W;
thence north along longitude 125°00’00″W to its intersection with latitude 72°20’00″N;
thence westerly along latitude 72°20’00″N to its intersection with longitude 125°03’00″W;
thence north along longitude 125°03’00″W to its intersection with latitude 72°30’00″N;
thence westerly along latitude 72°30’00″N to a point being the intersection of latitude 72°30’00” with the shoreline of Banks Island in the area of the Beaufort Sea at approximate longitude 125°14’52”;
thence in a general northeasterly direction along the sinuosities of said shoreline to a point being the intersection of said shoreline and the mouth of the Bernard River at the latitude 73°35’30″N and approx imate longitude 124°00’30″W;
thence easterly along latitude 73°35’30″N to its intersection with longitude 122°57’45″W;
thence south along longitude 122°57’45″W to its intersection with latitude 72°54’30″N;
thence easterly along latitude 72°54’30″N to its intersection with longitude 122°00’00″W;
thence south along longitude 122°00’00″W to its intersection with latitude 72°11’15″N;
thence westerly along latitude 72°11’15″N to its intersection with longitude 123°50’00″W;
thence southeasterly along a straight line to a point being the intersection of latitude 72°00’00″N and longitude 123°38’00″W;
thence easterly along latitude 72°00’00″N to its intersection with longitude 120°49’30″W;
thence north along longitude 120°49’30″W to its intersection with latitude 72°26’30’N;
thence easterly along latitude 72°26’30″N to its intersection with longitude 120°02’30″W;
thence southeasterly along a straight line to its intersection with the shoreline of Banks Island at the mouth of an unnamed brook flowing into Prince of Wales Strait in the vicinity of Jesse Bay at approximate latitude 72°14’00″N and approximate longitude 119°55’30″W;
thence westerly, northerly and southerly along the sinuosities of Banks Island to the point of commencement;
Norway Island and Bernard Island in the vicinity of Burnett Bay in the area of the Beaufort Sea;
with all islands situated in whole or in part within two miles of the above described shorelines, the whole containing about 6.999 square miles;
(DeSalis Bay)
In the Northwest Territories;
in the District of Franklin;
on Banks Island;
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
All that parcel of the land more particularly described as follows: all topographic features hereinafter referred to, being according to edition 1 of the Cape Collinson map sheet number 97H/6; edition 1 of the Cape Cardwell map sheet number 97H/7 and edition 1 of the map sheet number 97H/10, all three map sheets of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:50,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, at Ottawa;
Commencing at a point being the intersection of the shoreline of Banks Island in the area of Amundsen Gulf and the mouth of Cardwell Brook at approximate latitude 71°25’15”N and approximate longitude 121°05’15″W;
thence northerly along said brook to its confluence with an unnamed brook at approximate latitude 71°35’00″N and approximate longitude 121°12’50″W;
thence southwesterly along said unnamed brook to an unnamed lake at approximate latitude 71°33’50″N and approximate longitude 121°21’00″W;
thence southwesterly along a straight line to the confluence of two unnamed brooks at approximate latitude 71°33’15″N and approximate longitude 121°21’45″W:
thence southwesterly along a straight line to a point on the northern bank of Windrum Lagoon at approximate latitude 71°30’15″N and longitude 121°47’15″W;
thence southwesterly along a straight line to a height of land at approximate latitude 71°26’15″N and approximate longitude 122°16’30″W;
thence southeasterly along a straight line to its intersection with the shoreline of Banks Island at the mouth of an unnamed creek at approximate latitude 71°18’45″N and approximate longitude 122°00’45″W;
thence in a general northeasterly (including Windrum Lagoon), southeasterly (including Kangirkualuk Point) and northeasterly direction along the shoreline of Banks Island to the point of commencement;
together with all islands situated in whole or in part within two miles of the above described shoreline; and containing about 194 square miles.
The lands described in Annex J-5 comprising 7193 square mites more or less.