Annex F-1
Aklavik 7(1)(a) Land
In the Northwest Territories;
in the District of Mackenzie:
in the Mackenzie Delta:
All that parcel of land in the Mackenzie Delta according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Maps of Aklavik — 107B and Blow River — 117A, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, as said parcel may be more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the Northwest Territories — Yukon Territory boundary at latitude 68°46′ and approximate longitude 136°27’16”;
thence easterly along latitude 68°46′ to its intersection with longitude 135°40′;
thence south along longitude 135°40′ to its intersection with latitude 68°35′;
thence easterly along latitude 68°35′ to its intersection with longitude 135°30′;
thence south along longitude 135°30′ to its intersection with latitude 68°32′;
thence easterly along latitude 68°32′ to its intersection with longitude 135°25′;
thence south along longitude 135°25′ to its intersection with latitude 68°20′;
thence westerly along latitude 68°20′ to its intersection with longitude 135°15′;
thence north along longitude 136°15′ to its intersection with latitude 68°30′;
thence westerly along latitude 68°30′ to its intersection with the Yukon Territory — Northwest Territories boundary, at approximate longitude 136°27’16”.
thence north along said boundary to the point of commencement; said parcel containing about 643 square miles.