Administration Of Existing Rights
7. (93) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, with respect to Inuvialuit lands selected pursuant to paragraph (1)(a), any holder of valid oil and gas, coal, mineral and quarrying rights referred to in Annex P, and, with respect to Inuvialuit lands selected pursuant to paragraph (1)(b), any holder of valid quarrying rights issued before December 31, 1983, shall be entitled to enjoy such rights without alteration or interruption until their termination. For greater certainty, the reference in this subsection to “right” includes renewal, whether it takes place before or after July 13, 1978.
7. (94) Canada shall, on behalf of the Inuvialuit , continue to administer the rights of interest holders referred to in subsection (93). Where legislation allows discretionary decisions to be made with respect to such administration, no decisions shall be made without the consent of the Inuvialuit where the effect thereof is to offer the Crown share for bids, to waive royalties or other payments in the nature of royalties or to prejudice the economic interest of the Inuvialuit . No other such decisions shall be made affecting Inuvialuit rights without prior consultation with the Inuvialuit Land Administration. Where, however, the holder of the rights and the Inuvialuit agree that the Inuvialuit should administer the rights or a renegotiated version of the rights directly and both parties so inform the Minister in writing, the Minister shall transfer such administration to the Inuvialuit .
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
7. (95) Canada shall, as soon as possible, remit to the Inuvialuit any royalties, fees, rentals, bonuses or other payments in lieu of royalties accruing after the date of his Agreement from the rights referred to in subsection (93). Any royalties accruing from oil and gas production under community sites shall be included in the remitances. For greater certainty, the Inuvialuit shall receive and manage the Crown Share within the meaning of section 27 of the Canada Oil and Gas Act. (S.C. 1980-81-82-83, c. 81).
7. (96) The amounts payable to the Inuvialuit under subsection (95) shall be calculated on the basis of the laws and regulations in force on December 31, 1983 applicable to Crown lands in the Northwest Territories.