
  • Bill C-49

    View on PDF C-49 Second Session, Thirty-second Parliament. 32-33 Elizabeth II. 1983-84 THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF Canada BILL C-49 An Act to approve, give effect to and declare valid the Agreement between the Committee for Original Peoples’ Entitlement, representing the Inuvialuit of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, and the Government of Canada and to amend the National Parks Act in consequence thereof First…

  • Bill C-102

    View on PDF C-102 Second Session. Thirty-third Parliament, 35-36-37 Elisabeth II. 1986-87-88 THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF Canada BILL C-102 An Act 10 amend the Western Arctic ( Inuvialuit ) Claims Settlement Act AS PASSED BY THE HOUSE 0F COMMONS MARCH 23, 1988  2nd Session, 33rd Parliament, 35-36-37 Elizabeth II.Read more

  • Public Right Of Entry On Inuvialuit Lands To Fish

    View on PDF 7. (22) Every person fish ing in waters located wholly within paragraph (1)(a) or paragraph (1)(b) lands shall be required first to register with the appropriate Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) or its designated agent. As amended by P.C.Read more

  • General

    View on PDF 11. (1) The development s subject to environmental impact screening include:  (a) development s described in sub section 13 (7);  (b) development s in the Yukon North Slope region described in section 12;   (c) development s in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in respect of which the Inuvialuit request environmental impact screening; and  (d) subject to any agreement between the Inuvialuit and the Dene/Metis, development s in areas including the Aklavik land selections where the…

  • Enviromental Impact Review Board

    View on PDF 11. (22) The Environmental Impact Review Board is hereby established to be the review body for any development referred to it pursuant to this Agreement. The Review Board shall have seven (7) permanent members, three (3) appointed by Canada , three (3) appointed by the Inuvialuit and a Chairman appointed by Canada , with the consent of the Inuvialuit .Read more

  • Environmental Impact Screening Committee

    View on PDF 11. (5) There is hereby established the Environmental Impact Screening Committee , to be made up of seven (7) permanent members. Canada and the Inuvialuit shall each appoint three (3) permanent members. Of the three permanent members appointed by Canada , each of the Government s of the Northwest Territories and the Yukon Territory shall designate one (1).Read more