
  • Proposed Nelson Head Canadian Landmark Site (Map)

    Proposed Nelson Head

  • Holman 7(1)(A) Land Selection (Map)


  • Annex K-1

    ANNEX K-1

    Holman 7(1)(a) Land

    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Franklin;

    on Victoria Island;

    All those parcels of land on Diamond Jenness Peninsula according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Maps of Holman Island — 87F and Walker Bay — 87G.

  • Holman Community Site (Map)

  • Annex K-3

    ANNEX K-3

    Holman Community Site

    In the Northwest Territories;

    in the District of Franklin;

    on Victoria Island;

    All that parcel of land on Diamond Jenness Peninsula according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Maps of Holman Island — 87F/19 produced at a scale of 1:50,000 by the Mapping and Charting Establishment Department of National Defence, Ottawa, as said parcel may be more particularly described as follows:

    Commencing at the point of intersection of latitude 70°44’49” and longitude 117°48’25”;

    thence on an azimuth of 87°00′ a distance of 1.28 miles to a point;

    thence on an azimuth of 177°00′ a distance of 0.56 miles more or less to the intersection of the shoreline of Kings Bay;

    thence southerly, northerly and westerly following the sinuosities of the shoreline Kings Bay and Queens Bay to its intersection with latitude 70°43’57”;

    thence westerly along said latitude 70°43°57″ to its intersection with the shoreline of Amundsen Gulf:

    thence northeasterly and northwesterly following the shoreline of Amundsen Gulf and of Jacks Bay to its intersection with longitude 117°48’25”:

    thence north along longitude 117°48’25” a distance of 0.34 miles, more or less to the point of commencement;

    said parcel containing about 1 square mile.

  • Holman 7(1)(B) Land Selection (Map)

  • Annex K-5

    ANNEX K-5

    Holman 7(1 )(b) Land

    (West Diamond Jenness Peninsula)

    In the Northwest Territories;

    In the District of Franklin;

    on Victoria Island;

    All that parcel of land on Diamond Jenness Peninsula according to edition 1 of the National Topographic Series Maps of Holman Island — 87F and Walker Bay — 87G.

  • Wynniatt Region Adjustment Area (Map)

  • Annex L

    Annex L

    Porcupine Caribou Management Agreement

    The Porcupine Caribou Management Agreement, dated October 26, 1985, as amended from time to time, between Canada , the Government of the Northwest Territories, the Government of Yukon, the Council for Yukon Indians, the Inuvialuit Game Council , and the Dene Nation and the Metis Association of the Northwest Territories, is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement.

  • Annex M


    Definition of Minerals Relating to 7(1)(b) Title

    Mineral” means precious and base metals and other naturally occurring substances that can be mined but does not include coal, petroleum and related hydrocarbons, native sulphur, construction stone, carving stone, limestone, soapstone, marble, gypsum, shale, clay, sand, gravel, volcanic ash, earth, soil, and diatomaceous earth, ochre, marl or peat or other substances regulated by regulations, other than the Canada Mining Regulations made pursuant to the Public Lands Grants Act or the Territorial Lands Act.

  • Annex N


    Financial Compensation

    The schedule of capital transfer payments shall be: an initial payment of $12 million on December 31, 1984; three annual payments of $1 million, from December 31, 1985 to December 31, 1987: five annual payments of $5 million from December 31, 1988 to December 31, 1992; four annual payments of $20 million from December 31, 1993 to December 31, 1996: and a final payment on December 31, 1997 of $32 million.

  • Annex O


    Schedule of Maximum Amounts Permitted to be Outstanding

    COPE =”row”> $Millions
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1985 — December 31, 198565.077
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1986 — December 31, 198669.387
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1987 — December 31, 198774.049
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1988 — December 31, 198879.091
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1989 — December 31, 198980.543
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1990 — December 31, 199082.112
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1991 — December 31, 199183.809
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1992 — December 31, 199285.652
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1993 — December 31, 199387.641
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1994 — December 31, 199474.777
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1995 — December 31, 199560.896
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1996 — December 31, 199645.863
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1997 — December 31, 199729.611
    COPE =”row”>January 1, 1998 — December 31, 19980