“furbearers” means all species of game that are or may be harvested by trapping and. for greater certainly but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes: Castor including beaver; Alopex including white fox, arctic fox; Lutra including otter; Lynx including lynx; Martes including martens and fishers; Mephitis including skunk; Mustela including ermine, weasel, least weasel and mink; Ondatraincluding muskrat; Tamiasciurus including red squirrel; Vulpes including red. cross, black and silver fox; Gulo including wolverine; Canis including wolves and coyotes; Marmota including marmots; Lepus including hares; Spermophilus including ground squirrels; but does not include members of the genus Ursus including black and grizzly bears;