Annex I-1


Paulatuk 7(1)(a) Land

In the Northwest Territories;

in the District of Mackenzie and the District of Franklin:

In the vicinity of Paulatuk;

All that parcel being described as follows: topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to edition 2 of the Brock River map sheet number 97D of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, at Ottawa and edition 2 of the Franklin Bay map sheet number 97C of the National Topographic System, produced at a scale of 1:250,000 by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Energy. Mines and Resources, at Ottawa:

Commencing at the point of intersection of the shoreline of Argo Bay with longitude 124°30’W at approximate latitude 69°22’10”;

thence south along longitude 124°30’W to its intersection with latitude 69°04’30″N in Binamé Lake:

thence easterly along latitude 69°04’30″N to its intersection with longitude 123°10’W:

thence north along longitude 123°10’W to its intersection with the shoreline of Brock Lagoon at approximate latitude 69°30’N;

thence in a general westerly direction along the sinuosities of the shoreline of Brock Lagoon, Darnley Bay and Argo Bay to the point of commencement, including all islands situated in whole or in part within two miles of said shoreline:


The Community Site of Paulatuk being described as follows:

Commencing at a point on the westerly shoreline of Paulatuk peninsula at latitude 69°21’32” and approximate longitude 124°04’48″W;

thence southeasterly to a point on the easterly shoreline of Paulatuk peninsula at latitude 69°21’13″N and approximate longitude 124°03’35″W;

thence in a general southerly direction along said shoreline of Paulatuk peninsula to its intersection with latitude 69°20’46″N at approximate longitude 124°03’05″W;

thence in a southwesterly direction to a point having latitude 69°20’06”N and longitude 124°04’32″W;

thence northwesterly to a point on the shoreline of Paulatuk peninsula at latitude 69°20’37″N and approximate longitude 124°06’20″W;

thence in a general northeasterly direction along the sinuosities of the shoreline of Paulatuk peninsula to the point of commencement;

said parcel less the community site of Paulatuk containing about 707 square miles.