Jurisdiction of Board
18. (33) The Arbitration Board shall have jurisdiction to arbitrate any difference between the Inuvialuit and Industry or Canada as to the meaning, interpretation, application or implementation of this Agreement.
18. (34) It is agreed that this arbitration process shall not apply to the rights of any other native group confirmed by any other Settlement Legislation without their consent. It is runner agreed that the arbitration process is without prejudice to the right of other native peoples to determine, in their land claims Settlement s, the appropriate mechanism for resolving disputes involving their rights.
18. (35) Nothing in this Agreement precludes the Council for Yukon Indians, the Inuvialuit and Canada from adopting, at a future date, an arbitration process to include Old Crow beneficiaries with the Inuvialuit on any Arbitration Board to deal with the rights of Old Crow beneficiaries and Inuvialuit beneficiaries in the Yukon north of the Porcupine and Bell Rivers.
18. (36) The Arbitration Board shall also have jurisdiction to arbitrate the following matters:
(a) enrolment disputes (subsection 5(8));
(b) disputes relating to the following land matters,
(i) municipal needs (subsections 7(61) to (63)),
(ii) requirements for roads (subsection 7(64)),
(iii) De Salis Bay land selection (subsections 7(65) to (69)),
(iv) Pingo Landmark (subsections 7(70) to (76)), and
(v) Nelson Head Landmark (subsections 7(77) to (81));
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
(c) conflicting subsurface resource claims (subsection 7(12));
(d) sand and gravel disputes (subsections 7(27) to (40) ;
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
(e) compensation for land taken for meteorological stations (subsection 7(87));
(f) expropriation of Inuvialuit lands (subsections 7(50) to (58)) and, more particularly,
As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987
(i) whether alternative land exists,
(ii) valuation and compensation, and
(iii) other matters, including costs;
(g) the terms and conditions of Participation Agreements (section 10); and
(h) wildlife compensation awards, recommendations and decisions ( section 13 ).