Inuvialuit Game Council

14. (73) The Inuvialuit Game Council shall be established and shall have a chairman and at least one representative from each of the Hunters and Trappers Committees referred to in subsection (75) .

As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987 and by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

14. (74) For the purposes of this Agreement, the Inuvialuit Game Council shall represent the collective Inuvialuit interest in wildlife . Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Inuvialuit Game Council shall, among its other activities:

(a) appoint Inuvialuit members for all joint Government / Inuvialuit bodies having an interest in wildlife ,     including the Wildlife Management Advisory Council s (NWT and North Slope ), the Environmental Impact Screening Committee , the Environmental Impact Review Board , and the fish eries Joint Management Committee;

As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987 and by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

(b) advise the appropriate Government s through the Wildlife Management Advisory Council s (NWT and North Slope ) or otherwise as appropriate, on policy, legislation, regulation and administration respecting wildlife , conservation , research, management and enforcement;

(c) assign community hunting and trapping areas within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region for the purposes of Inuvialuit wildlife harvesting where appropriate;

(d) review and advise through the Wildlife Management Advisory Council s (NWT and North Slope ) or otherwise as appropriate, the appropriate Government s on existing or proposed wildlife legislation;

(e) review and advise the Government on any proposed Canadian position for international purposes that affects wildlife in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region ;

(f) where appropriate, allocate Inuvialuit quotas among the communities;

(g) appoint members whenever possible or appropriate for any Canadian delegation that deals with international matters affecting wildlife harvesting by the Inuvialuit ;

(h) appoint members for any committee or group whose purpose is to investigate any aspect of wildlife usage in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region ; and

(i) on request, assist the Wildlife Management Advisory Council s (NWT and North Slope ) in carrying out their functions.