Fisheries Joint Management Committee

14.(61) To assist Canada and the Inuvialuit in administering the rights and obligations relating to fish eries under this Agreement and to assist the Minister of fish eries and Oceans of Canada in carrying out his responsibilities for the management of fish eries, the Minister of fish eries and Oceans shall establish a fish eries Joint Management Committee to advise him on matters relating to Inuvialuit and Inuvialuit Settlement Region fish eries.

14. (62) The Committee shall have a chairman and four (4) members.  The Inuvialuit Game Council and the Minister of fish eries and Oceans Canada shall each appoint (2) members. The Chairman shall be appointed by the four (4) members. Through bilateral agreements between native groups, membership may be extended to include other native representatives who have recognized traditional interests within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region , provided that equal representation between Government and native membership is maintained.

As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987 and by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

14. (63) The members of the Committee shall each have one (1) vote. The Chairman shall have a vote only in the case of a deadlock.

14. (64) The Committee shall, among its other activities:

(a) review information on the state of fish ing in waters on p aragraph 7(1)(a) and paragraph 7(1)(b)  lands and Crown lands in any areas where the Inuvialuit have an interest and fish ery related activities on p aragraph 7(1)(a) and paragraph 7(1)(b) lands ;

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

(b) identify areas of waters on p aragraph 7(1)(a) and paragraph 7(1)(b) lands where fish ing has taken place and predict where fish ing may in the future take place;

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

(c) determine current harvest levels;

(d) develop, maintain and control a public registration system for fish ing in waters on p aragraph 7(1)(a) and paragraph 7(1)(b) lands and for entry on paragraph 7(1)(b) lands for the purpose of fish ing;

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

(e) restrict and regulate the public right to enter on paragraph 7(1)(b) lands for the purpose of fish ing where such restriction and regulation is required for the conservation of a stock, to prevent serious conflict with Inuvialuit activities, to prevent interference with other Inuvialuit use of the land to which they have title or to prevent unreasonable interference with Inuvialuit use and enjoyment of the land;

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

(f) deny entry to persons who abuse the right;

(g) allocate subsistence quotas among communities;

(h) determine the reporting requirements and review the role of the Hunters and Trappers Committees in regulating the subsistence harvest and collection of harvest statistics;

(i) make recommendations to the Minister of fish eries and Oceans on subsistence quotas for fish , harvestable quotas for marine mammals. Inuvialuit commercial fish ing, allocation of the preferential fish ing licences to be granted under subsections (29) to (32) . regulations regarding sport and commercial fish ing in waters on 7(1)(a) and (b) lands and the identification of waters where such fish ing may be prohibited; and

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

(j) advise the Minister of fish eries and Oceans on regulations, research policies and administration of fish eries generally affecting the Inuvialuit Settlement Region , and on any new international agreements being developed that might apply to Inuvialuit fish eries.

14. (65) Recommendations of the fish eries Joint Management Committee pursuant to paragraph (64)(i) shall be forwarded to the Minister of fish eries and Oceans, who shall implement, vary or reject them.

14. (66) Where the Minister of fish eries and Oceans varies or rejects a recommendation of the fish eries Joint Management Committee he shall provide the Committee with written reasons for his decision within thirty (30) days after the recommendation is made.

As amended by P.C. 1987-26, January 15, 1987

14. (67) On receiving the decision of the Minister of fish eries and Oceans to vary or reject a recommendation, the fish eries Joint Management Committee shall consider the decision and within thirty (30) days submit a further recommendation to that Minister.

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

14. (68) On receiving the further recommendation of the fish eries Joint Management Committee, the Minister of fish eries and Oceans shall implement, vary or reject it.

14. (69) Where the Minister of fish eries and Oceans varies or rejects the further recommendation of the Committee, he shall provide the Committee with written reasons for his decision within thirty (30) days after the recommendation is made.

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

14. (70) The Minister of fish eries and Oceans may at any time request that the fish eries Joint Management Committee provide him with a recommendation on any matter referred to in paragraph (64)(i) and the Committee shall provide that Minister with such a recommendation within thirty (30) days after receiving the request.

As amended by P.C. 2004-337, March 30, 2004

14. (71) Where the good management of the resource so requires, the Minister of fish eries and Oceans may make and implement an interim decision, which shall be effective until the procedure described in subsections (65) to (70) is completed.

14. (72) No interim decision may be made or implemented under subsection (71) unless the Minister of fish eries and Oceans gives the fish eries Joint Management Committee a reasonable opportunity to provide him with a recommendation.